Thursday, April 28, 2011

Into the fodder

This is my place to dump. Maybe about me, maybe about the kids, maybe about my husband... hmmm, maybe not that. He'll have to write his own blog - it's only fair.

One thing I've meant to do over the years is "write it down". I've got kids, they do & say funny things 24/7. The best part of that is while I may not think it's funny every time - they generally do and that in itself is funny.

There are way too many mom blogs out there. Stay at home mommying is lonely. I KNOW! So, media becomes a social outlet. Write it down, process the thoughts, do some reviews etc.

I read some of these blogs. I find the kid antics huh-larious! I never intended to start my own mom-blog though b/c I do think the market is saturated with kidisms and I have enough drama in my own house.

That said, this will still be my own personal outlet. Read it if you want, ignore it if you wish; not my concern. If you want pressure to read a blog, go read my other one. Neighbourhood Sprawl It's a bit too heady for this frame. This one is for the light & fluffy.

I call it Wedding Fodder because that is what we say when the kids say something utterly ridiculous that they would shake their head in embarrassment if we were to share it with friends & family on that blessed day of their blessed nuptial celebration to a blessed sweet other person - some day.

The sad thing is, is that we will share a laugh in the moment, my hubby & I and comment that that would make great wedding fodder, then we move on and generally forget. I'll post the odd thing on fb and people will laugh, add comments and ask if we've written it down. Hmm, yeah, on the mental list.

I used to have this fantabulus memory. But I lost it somewhere along the way.

So that is a very lengthy way to say the purpose of this blog is for me. You are welcome to read, but it is for me to remember all the kidisms that make this time so endearing. I want to look back & read & enjoy. In a few years I'd like my kids to also read & enjoy & be amused!!